Sunday, September 27, 2009

mysql startup on web99

[steward@web99 etc]$ mysqld_safe --defaults-file=~/webapps/mysql5_1_38/etc/my.cnf &

Friday, September 25, 2009

postgresql configure parameters

[steward@web99 postgresql-8.4.1]$ ./configure --prefix=/home/steward/webapps/postgresql/ --with-pgport=22190 --with-perl --with-python --with-tcl

Thursday, September 17, 2009

php stack configuration

It's no problem. This is what we're here for :)

It's the same as configuring any Apache server. A quick search should bring up a *lot* of tutorials on the subject.

To add a new site to your PHP stack just do the following:

1. Edit your phpstack's httpd.conf file (~/webapps/conf/httpd.conf)

2. Copy and paste the
VirtualHost section.

3. Change the 'ServerName' and 'ServerAlias' directives to which domain you'd like to use.

4. Change the 'DocumentRoot' to point to the root of your regular PHP application's directory (/home/steward/webapps/myapp).

5. Restart your phpstack application using this command:


6. Finally, in the control panel edit your site and change your PHP application for the phpstack application.

Your site should now be running on the PHP stack :)

php stack startup stuff

OK. Your website is running from a private PHP stack. Your PHP stack is installed in your ~/webapps/phpstack directory. You can adjust settings by editing the ~/webapps/phpstack/conf/httpd.conf file. Your error log is located at ~/webapps/phpstack/logs/error_log.

There are three commands you need to know about:
